SSW w aż trzynastu kategoriach rankingu Legal 500 !

Jest nam miło poinformować, że nasza firma została sklasyfikowana w rankingu Legal500 w aż trzynastu kategoriach:

  • Banking and finance
  • Capital markets
  • Commercial, corporate and M&A
  • Construction
  • Data privacy and data protection
  • Dispute resolution
  • Energy and natural resources
  • Investment funds
  • Private clients
  • Private equity
  • Real estate
  • Restructuring and insolvency

W trzech z powyższych kategorii (zaznaczone pogrubioną czcionką) zostaliśmy wyróżnieni po raz pierwszy. W dwóch kategoriach – Capital markets i Dispute resolutions – awansowaliśmy w stosunku do zeszłego roku.

Wyróżnienie w rankingu jest zawsze powodem do dumy i radości, jednak najbardziej cenimy sobie dowody uznania ze strony naszych Klientów. To oni mają najlepsze podstawy do oceny naszych kompetencji i wartości, jaką wnosi zespół SSW w budowanie ich biznesu.

Oto zestawienie opinii naszych klientów:

SSW is noted for its ability to advise banks and financial institutions on commercial and tax law, in addition to assisting clients with the spectrum of financing matters.

SSW’s Capital Markets team typically handles securities trading, derivatives, futures, options and other financial products, particularly for clients in the technology and gaming sectors. It also specialises in preparing prospectuses for companies looking to introduce shares onto the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

‘Perfect availability, significant sector knowledge and operational excellence‘ | ‘Whatever issue the company needs help solving, I can honestly say they are there for us. The team is very forward thinking and is always on top of current and future matters.‘

SSW Pragmatic Solutions stands out for its ability to provide tax advice, alongside its corporate and M&A practice. The team regularly handles corporate transactions, including M&A, buyouts, direct investments and joint venture projects, as well as advising on restructuring issues. Wojciech Szczepaniak heads the team.

SSW’s construction team advises a mixture of Polish and international companies on their projects and investments. Areas of expertise include negotiating and drafting construction agreements, advising on joint venture projects, the execution of infrastructure projects and day-to-day construction matters, including disputes relating to issues with the construction process.

‘Good knowledge about construction but, as well, tax issues related to construction in the special economic zone.‘

SSW  assists clients with data protection and data processing across a range of issues, including the use of monitoring in the workplace, whistleblower hotline schemes, anti-corruption policies and outsourcing. The team also draws on the firm’s strong IT focus to advise on the privacy and data protection aspects of contract models with IT vendors and suppliers and contracts.

SSW Pragmatic Solutions handles the spectrum of disputes work, including negotiations, mediation, court litigation, arbitration, and enforcement proceedings. The firm has been quick to adopt technological solutions, and often draws on this knowledge in relation to contentious matters, for instance, in relation to evidence gathering.

‘The team is competent and always address issues at the proper time in the proper manner. They have a very reasonable approach to the strategy taking into account all the relevant factors, both factual and legal.‘ | ‘Janusz Mazurek is a competent litigator, flexible and efficient.‘ | ‘The team understands the importance of furnishing legal support in a swift and efficient manner. They aim to solve problems and think in and outside the legal box.‘

Jointly led by Piotr Spaczyński and Dominik Strzałkowski, the Energy and Natural Resources team at SSW Pragmatic Solutions is well-versed in energy, geological and mining sector issues. The group has expertise in assisting industrial recipients of energy and gas with their operations, as well as advising on emissions, electricity and gas trading, energy efficiency, co-generation, construction and grid-related matters. The practice also handles regulatory litigation before the administrative courts.

SSW Pragmatic Solutions advises investment fund participants, including financial institutions, investors and fund managers, on a variety of matters, such as establishing and liquidating funds and regulatory issues. The group also assists institutional investors and asset managers with their daily operations in Poland. Corporate lawyer Wojciech Szczepaniak co-leads the group with tax expert Tomasz Wickel, who specialises in the development and implementation of group restructurings.

‘Very responsive and competent team. Some members of the team have both practical and academic experience.‘ | ‘Very good understanding of the legal and financial aspects of transactions.‘

The private client roster at SSW Pragmatic Solutions consists of high-net-worth individuals, families and entrepreneurs, which the group advises on their business activity in Poland, providing strong ancillary tax advisory services, as well as strength in succession planning. It also draws on the firm’s wider expertise to provide private clients with data management advice. Tax specialists Patrycja Goździowska and Tomasz Wickel jointly lead the team.

‘They are extremely responsive and deliver tailor-made solutions. We really like working with them.‘ | ‘Professional, to-the-point, and responsive to inquiries or changes.‘ |‘Knowledgeable and trustworthy. They deliver quickly on their declarations.‘

SSW Pragmatic Solutions is able to combine legal know-how with its tax advisory service, assisting private equity clients on their investments and co-investments. The group’s expertise comprises the establishment of private equity funds, portfolio oversight, M&A, in addition to financing. Wojciech Szczepaniak leads the department.

The main areas of activity for SSW Pragmatic Solutions span real estate transactions including advising Polish and foreign clients on their investments, lease agreements, and providing day-to-day commercialisation and asset management advice.

SSW Pragmatic Solutions handles insolvency and restructuring matters for both creditor and debtor parties. The team is led by Janusz Mazurek, who stands out for contentious insolvency matters.

‘Perfect availability, significant sector knowledge, operational excellence‘.

SSW Pragmatic Solutions’ tax team is comprised of tax advisers, lawyers and economists, and is jointly led by Patrycja Goździowska and Tomasz Wickel, both of whom have strong tax advisory practices, and experience in handling M&A transactions, tax-efficient structures and equity deals.

‘Open, aggressive and business-oriented.‘ | ‘They have a hands on approach and are solution-driven.‘

Dziękujemy całemu zespołowi SSW, a także naszym klientom za nominacje i zaufanie. Mamy głębokie przekonanie, że to wspólny sukces wszystkich zaangażowanych stron.

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