
SSW Pragmatic Solutions advised the PG Energy group with respect to the investment of BGŻ Paribas S.A. in the subsidiaries of PG Energy

SSW Pragmatic Solutions provided advice to the PG Energy Group during the transaction concerning investment of BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A. in PG Energetyka Sp. z o.o. and – indirectly – in Elektromontaż Poznań S.A.

The transaction comprised capital and debt investment of the bank, BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A., in companies providing electricity installation services and manufacturing electricity-related tools.

The comprehensive consulting provided by SSW was related to the entirety of the transaction. The project was managed by Sebastian Ponikowski, legal counsel, SSW partner, with support of Jakub Koziński, legal counsel, senior associate, and Małgorzata Deruś, trainee counsel, associate. Within the scope of tax consulting, the work of the team was managed by Patrycja Goździowska, tax advisor, SSW partner, with support of Przemysław Szabat, tax advisor, senior associate.

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