New JPK_VAT (Polish SAF-T) – time to start preparing

Brochure of the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance published an information brochure describing the logical structures of JPK_V7M / V7K file (Polish SAF-T). The file includes information which was included both in VAT returns and VAT registers. Soon, the only way to report VAT settlements will be to send a JPK_V7M/K file.

The new structures of JPK_VAT which include VAT return (JPK_V7M and JPK_V7K) have just been made available so taxpayers are already able to adapt their IT systems to the new requirements, which enter in force on 1st April 2020.

This means that taxpayers can already start adapting their systems to generate the new JPK file. The brochure can be viewed online –

Single SAF-T file (JPK_V7M or JPK_V7K respectively) will contain both VAT-7 and VAT-7K returns and VAT registers.

Please note that, as of 1st July 2020, it will be impossible to submit VAT-7 and VAT-7K returns other than via the new JPK_VAT file, and that large taxpayers will need to send the new JPK files from 1st April 2020.

How we can help you?

SSW experience and skills can help you to prepare your new JPK_VAT (JPK_V7M/K), both as regards its content and form. We would be delighted to help you with:

  • Assess the current JPK files in order to eliminate any irregularities;
  • Prepare tax procedures that allow your VAT register to include all of the required data;
  • Map your tax system to highlight the data which must be entered into additional boxes in the new JPK file.
  • Prepare a system/application to generate JPK files in the form of JPK_V7M / JPK_V7K.

Naturally, should you have any other requirements or queries regarding existing or new-style JPK (SAF-T files), we would be delighted to assist you.