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Konrad Lach a speaker at the National Meeting of Public Procurement Law Practitioners

We would like to invite you to participate in the next edition of the WARS.ZAM 2023 event – the National Meeting of Public Procurement Law Practitioners.

The conference will be held in an online format twice, 11–13 October 2023 and 5–7 December 2023.

Konrad Lach, Associate in the Infrastructure team at SSW, will give a lecture during the conference. His presentation will be dedicated to reviewing the most interesting jurisprudence of the National Appeal Chamber, common courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union on public procurement.

The presentation will include practical information and a large dose of knowledge drawn from current case law.

The event is organised by Must Read Media.

Link to the event:

WARS.ZAM 2023 – Prawo Zamówień Publicznych w Praktyce | Szkolenia, webinary i konferencje (