How to turn on eco flying? – law, technology and CDA procedure

Aviation industry is growing bigger and stronger. Airlines, airports, manufacturers of aircrafts are obligated by regulations to have an eco-friendly approach to their business activities. Tomorrow at „ How to turn on eco flying?” conference our aviation law expert, Joanna Wieczorek and her guests are going to explain  how to comply with new industrial requirements.

Civil Aviation Authority and Polish Air Navigation Services Agency representatives will focus on local programmes and solutions to improve silence policy of flying and to encourage key market players to comply. You will have a chance to learn more from cpt Jakub Kurpas about CDA landing procedure and how it influences aviation noise without influencing safety of operation. There is an important reason to learn from this expert as Lot Polish Airlines ranked 1st place recently in a Fly Quiet and Clean Programme. Heathrow regularly publishes statistics that evaluate eco-approach against seven noise related criteria including CDA Landing, track deviation on departure and aircraft certification.

To learn more we invite you tomorrow to our event at LOTNISKO CHOPINA in Warsaw at 10:30 am  (Conference room at arrivals near  Biuro Przepustek).


Please feel free to read texts of our expert:

We fly quiet and green

LOT sets the trend