“Extraordinary appeals in Polish civil proceedure” – monography by prof. Marcin Asłanowicz

A comprehensive monography on extraordinary appeals in Polish civil procedure is now available.

The author is one of SSW partners, prof. Marcin Asłanowicz. Not only is he a professor and academic, but also a practicing lawyer. This combination makes the monography an invaluable source of insight.

The book is the first study of all extraordinary appeals currently existing in civil proceedings: including both those regulated in the Code of Civil Procedure and others. The research explores the nature of the relationship between the various instruments of appeal. The author addresses the key challenges regarding the use of extraordinary appeals in civil proceedings and examines the current jurisprudence of Polish courts, the ECtHR and the CJEU. The work presents several dozen postulates for legislative reforms, including repealing the institutions of extraordinary complaints and applications to annul a final court decision.

The book was published in Polish by C.H. Beck.