“The entrepreneur tracked at the bank and on the Internet” – the article containing the comment of Patrycja Goździowska published in Rzeczpospolita

Following the announcement of the Ministry of Finance on creation of the system of cameras for tracking cars used in business, another project for even deeper invigilation of entrepreneurs has appeared. Every day banks would provide information which Internet addresses handle business accounts. “Rzeczpospolita” writes about this issue.

As we can read in the newspaper, if banks provide IP addresses, fiscal authorities would know whether the bank transfer is ordered from a computer in the company’s seat, from a smartphone somewhere in Poland or in other country. In such a way, it may be established where the person ordering a bank transfer is.

This obligation for banks would enter into force on 1 January 2019.

Expert, Patrycja Goździowska – tax advisor, law partner of SSW Pragmatic Solutions – in an interview with Rzeczpospolita in the article „ “The entrepreneur tracked at the bank and on the Internet”.

More details in the article of Rzeczpospolita: link