SSW and the Canadian law firm Osler organised a meeting titled “CETA – how will it affect my business?”

On 14 December 2016, a conference dedicated to the legal and business implications of the conclusion of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union and Canada was held at the offices of SSW. Our special guest and keynote speaker was Marie-Pier Brunelle, Trade Commissioner, Canadian Embassy, who was supported by Riyaz Dattu, international trade and foreign investments expert from the law firm Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP in Toronto.

Piotr Spaczyński who moderated the meeting, talked about the impact the agreement would bring about as a result of the abolition of customs duties, elimination of limitations in the access to public procurement, opening of the services market and development of predictable environment for investors, and explained how it will help preventing illegal copying of innovation and traditional products from the EU, to the benefit of the Polish economy.