SSW and BPCC organised a meeting titled “One Year to GDPR – New Approach to Personal Data Protection”

On 25 May, a meeting titled “One Year to GDPR – New Approach to Personal Data Protection” was held in the British Embassy in Warsaw. The conference, which was co-organised by SSW and the British Polish Chamber of Commerce featured speakers representing SSW, Polish Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (GIODO), Ministry of Digital Affairs and BSI.  The event was attended by over 100 participants representing leading Polish and international companies and institutions.

The conference speakers were: Joanna Tomaszewska Ph.D., Attorney at Law, SSW Partner responsible for the personal data protection practice, Paweł Makowski – Counsel to the Polish Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (GIODO), Dr Maciej Kawecki – Policy Adviser in the Ministry of Digital Affairs which coordinates the drafting of the new Polish legislation on personal data protection, and Waldemar Gełzakowski – Lead Management Systems Auditor from BSI Group.

The meeting was held exactly one year before the new EU regulations on personal data protection (GDPR) are to come into force. The coverage of the event is also available in Rzeczpospolita daily: LINK