Mike Walsh at the University of Warsaw: „Algorithms will not steal jobs from lawyers” (video)

Technology, AI and algorithms are responsible for major changes in the world we live in.  You should not be afraid, however, that in the nearest future process automation will decrease the demand for legal services.

This is the kind of conclusions that were drawn by the participants of the discussion on the future of the legal sector, co-organized at the University of Warsaw by British Law Centre and SSW Pragmatic Solutions law firm on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the latter’s foundation. The special guest and main speaker was Mike Walsh – the famous futurologist.

Mike Walsh discussed in his speech the ways in which technology and algorithms are changing the environment we operate in as consumers, employees or entrepreneurs. He presented examples of technological solutions which have optimized processes in different companies instead of making jobs disappear.

At further stages of the meeting, Paweł Rochowicz from Rzeczpospolita and Piotr Spaczyński, Managing Partner at SSW launched, along with Mike Walsh, a debate on the future of the legal services sector.

Should we start being concerned with the kind of AI like Skynet from Terminator movies?

„An AI system hostile to humans could emerge only if it were programmed in such a way” – explained Mike Walsh, in response to skeptical remarks on the relationship between humans and robots.

We encourage you to read the interview with Mike in Rzeczpospolita and watch the enclosed video recorded at the University of Warsaw: