
Joanna Wieczorek spoke during the conference on ‘Drones as a leverage for jobs and new business opportunities’

The High Level Conference on ‘Drones as a leverage for jobs and new business opportunities’ took place on 23-24 November in Warsaw, and was co-organised by the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, EASA – the European Aviation Safety Agency, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency and the Polish Civil Aviation Authority.

The conference was opened with the speeches by Andrzej Adamczyk, Polish Minister of Transportation , Violeta Bulc European Commissioner for Transport and Patrick Ky, Executive Director of EASA.

Joanna Wieczorek, our aviation law expert discussed privacy issues in the context of safe use of drones during the panel titled: “Responsible use of drones. Challenges for privacy, education and soft law”. Other panellists included a representative of the Polish Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (GIODO) and Ms Trish Fritz – Global Public Policy Director GoPro.

The meeting was attended by over 300 guests from all over the world, including the representatives of European institutions, national aviation authorities, civil and military drone manufacturers, research institutes, academia and startups.

The topics discussed during the panels concerned the future of drone in the aviation sector, benefits for the economy and the public, legal solutions in the EU which should support the sustainable development of the industry, as well as the issues concerning safe integration in the airspace.

Conference Agenda