
How to buy IT services using the Agile model?

How is the way of buying IT services provided via the agile method changing? How do you build modern shopping models? What tools will let you choose your IT service providers in a faster, cheaper and more efficient way?

SSW Pragmatic Solutions, OptiBuy and IT WiZZ invite you to our press conference titled “Lean Procurement – how to buy and contract IT services, delivered using the Agile model faster, more accurately and more cost efficiently”. We will summarize the most important challenges associated with buying IT services in the era of digital transformation. The press conference will include a panel discussion between experts and practitioners of purchasing processes. , We will analyze the experience of organizations that implement agile purchasing models (Agile).

We will present the perspective of practitioners operating on the purchasing market. Experts specializing in buying IT services will share their personal insights on Lean Procurement.

We will discuss:

  • The role IT services, and indentify best practice for buying IT services for the digital transformation era.
  • The building of modern purchasing models, that are adapted to the needs of organizations undergoing Agile transformation.
  • Tools, processes and purchasing models enabling the faster, cheaper and more effective (more accurate) selection of IT service providers.
December 10th, 2019, 9:30am - 12:00pmWhen?
Rondo ONZ 1, XII floor, WarsawWhere?