Games Operators debuted on the main market of the WSE

Games Operators debuted today on the main market of the WSE. It is the first debut on the main market of the WSE this year.

The funds raised during the IPO will allow for the production of new games. The company intends to develop from 7 to 14 projects, the details of which have not yet been announced. About 80% of the funds raised will be allocated for development and 10% for marketing. The new range of games will be a diverse one – from economic strategy to battle simulation titles.

The company’s next game will  be available on 23 April this year. ‘112 Operator’ – this is a sequel to a very well received by the market game ‘911 Operator’ from 2017. It is a simulation of an emergency call center. By the end of 2020, the company plans to release about 10 more games on the market.

SSW Pragmatic Solutions was a legal advisor throughout the process.

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