Dr Joanna Tomaszewska, legal counsel, appeared at the conference “Performing the new ISA role – experience of the first year”

On 26 January 2016 Dr Joanna Tomaszewska participated in a conference staged by the Association of Information Security Administrators and the Faculty of Management of the Warsaw University of Technology.

The conference’s agenda included, inter alia, the experience from the performance of the new role of an information security administrator (ISA) [PL: administrator bezpieczeństwa informacji (ABI)] and differences between the regulations concerning the role of ISA under Polish regulations, as amended in January 2015, and the regulations on personal data protection and the role of the data protection officer (DPO) under the EU draft General Data Protection Regulation. The issue remains a live one regarding the multitude of ISA-related queries raised by entrepreneurs. SSW offers comprehensive legal advice in this respect, including the delivery of ISA training programmes.