Digital career – it’s easier than you think!
The first edition of the “University of Success” organised by the Digital University has already ended. The workshops were conducted in four cities: Warsaw, Białystok, Kraków, Trójmiasto. The participants came from all over Poland.
What is the University of Success?
The Digital University Foundation performs various social actions. It organises scientific workshops for children and teenagers with difficult economic and life situations, where they can learn more about scientific innovations and new technologies. The educational and social offer is addressed to persons from orphanages and community care centres for children from small towns. The University of Success is an educational vocational programme for the persons leaving orphanages, correctional facilities and those in difficult economic situation.
The second edition of the project will be launched soon! Participation is free of charge.
More information at Digital University page.
See the backstage of the first edition, interviews and private opinions of the participants and partners who confirm that such projects are very important.