SSW experts advised Bank Pekao S.A. on financing Avallon’s acquisition of a majority stake in Globema

Congratulations to Avallon MBO, leading private equity fund which is a pioneer of the management buyout market in Poland, as well as Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., our client, on the financing granted in relation to the acquisition of majority stake in “Globema” sp. z o.o.,  and a big thank you for your cooperative spirit. It was a pleasure to work with, amongst others, Avallon’s Marcin Konarski, Piotr Pasnicki, Izabela Ciacka, Globema’s Ryszard Rybus, Marek Gondzio, Marek Maniecki, Bartosz Lech, Radosław Borecki, and Pekao’s  Cezary Burzyński and Hubert Rybicki.

Globema is a leading provider of specialized geospatial solutions, IT products, and services for “network” companies (telecommunication, energy, heating, etc.), as well as many others (including e-commerce, transport & logistics, retail, finance, insurance). It has four subsidiaries: in the USA, Romania, Serbia, and the Czech Republic.

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